Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last Night...

Last night, D and I cooked a filet mignon roast, baked potatoes and roasted eggplant and zucchini with parmesan. I think my mother would've been proud of me -- I managed to chop up the veggies, grate some parm and throw it in the oven. That's about the extent of my culinary skill, so I'll give credit where it's due -- the bulk of the meal can be attributed to D.

I've been trying to work my way back into a normal gym routine, but I'm getting bored with running. I'm switching up my workout a bit and adding more resistance training, which helps some, but what can you do when you rather be sitting on the couch watching Will & Grace reruns while eating burritos and pizookies? I'm hoping this Runner's World video libary can provide some inspiration.

In a separate, but equally challenging attempt to maximize summer's benefits, I'm also trying to do my workouts in the morning. It was so easy getting up at 5AM when I had to be up that early for work. Why is it so hard now? Does anyone have any advice?

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