Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Here we go again (from the desert).

Here we go again. It's been a while and maybe, just maybe, I'll end up posting with more frequency. Only time will tell, people.

Much has happened over the past 6-7 months. Much. And I don't just mean what's happened in the news. Back in August, D and I made the decision to move across the country, to the desert - land of cacti, snakes, scorpions, coyotes and taurantulas. Life changing decisions such as this require a lot of thought, careful planning, and preparation - which leads me to the next big thing: Our new house. Dave spent about 2.5 months searching for our new home, and after 500+ MLS listings and countless showings, we finally agreed that our new life would be in the east valley suburbs of Phoenix. In December, we left our cozy 1,050sq ft apartment for a new house oh, about four times that size. Quite a change from the overpriced, cramped, metropolitain lifestyle that is the Washington DC area, right?

We're in still in the midst of getting settled, but it's already starting to feel like home. The dogs are loving the extra space and backyard, and I've accepted my temporary role as a gypsy "wife" (this joke is lost on anyone who hasn't watched My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding). Seriously, trying to keep this place clean is practically a full time job. When I'm not cleaning, I spend a lot of time trying my hand at cooking (and by trying my hand at cooking, I really mean I have no other choice otherwise we'd starve and I'd really be bored to tears), because living in the 'burbs means I can't just walk downstairs and grab takeout from Bangkok 54, Bill Jeff's or Lost Dog. Is there no decent Thai restaurant within 20 miles of here? It's depressing! My original point: I've had a few successes in the kitchen, and plan to share some of them with you.

That's the short version - who's ready for the next adventure in Consuming Calories?

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